Exclusive offers
More partner businesses
High reward rates
By using the Premium Debit Mastercard or your Black credit card, you earn even higher reward rates at selected partner businesses.
Προμηθευτείτε πετρέλαιο θέρμανσης από τα πρατήρια Shell και κερδίστε σε Go For More πόντους το 8% της αξίας της συναλλαγής σας με πιστωτική και δυνατότητα εξόφλησης σε έως και 12 άτοκες δόσεις & 3% με χρεωστική.
Ισχύει για συναλλαγές 500€ και άνω έως και 15/1, σε επιλεγμένα πρατήρια Shell ή/και καλώντας στο 18330 ή στο 2102852071 (Αττική).
Οι πόντοι θα αποδοθούν εντός 10 ημερών.
By using the Premium Debit Mastercard or your Black credit card, you earn even higher reward rates at selected partner businesses.
You get rewarded with Go For More points for your everyday banking transactions, as well as for purchases with NBG cards. This way, you earn points for all those banking transactions that up until now were excluded from point collection: Bill payment, remittances via Internet and Mobile Banking, car insurance, loan installment payment. The more transactions you make the more you earn.
More specifically, you earn points with each one of the following transactions/services:
The opening of the package pertains to a product available through NGB’s branch network.
The points are reimbursed up to three months after the package is opened, provided that they are valid.
*Pertains to the purchase/renewal of insurance policies available through NBG’s branch network, with a maximum of 6 policies per year as a total.
If you haven’t registered already, you can do it via:
With Premium Go For More, you have higher reward rates for your purchases at selected businesses, using your NBG cards. The businesses that offer the highest reward rates are:
Up to 10%
Moustakas *, for purchases in physical stores
Era Nuts, for purchases in physical stores
Lake Vouliagmeni, for admission fees, Wellness & Spa treatments, group activities and purchase of products from the Lake's shop
Koniaris Shoes, for purchases in the physical store, Kalamata
AEGEAN, for purchasing tickets and additional services (Baggage, Fast Track, Seat Selection, Pets, Sports equipment) through aegeanair.com, olympicair.com, Aegean App, the AEGEAN call center, as well as during the check-in of departing passengers at the airport
Attica, for purchases in physical stores and online
Intersport, for purchases in physical stores
Panaidis Eyewear Boutique, for purchases in physical stores
Vassilis and Elizas Goulandris Café Restaurant Foundation
Replay, for purchases in physical stores
Brook Brothers, for purchases in physical stores
Central online pharmacy, for purchases in the online store
National Bank Educational Institution, for purchases in the physical store
2803 Ave. Loft Fashion Boutiques, for purchases in physical stores
Rossidis, for purchases in physical stores, Xanthi
Central, for purchases in physical stores, Kozani
N.R.G. sports, for purchases in physical stores, Argos
La Pelle, for purchases in physical stores, Crete
Madisons, for purchases in physical stores, Zakynthos
Up to 3%
Shell **, for purchases at gas stations
Hondos Center, for purchases in physical stores and online
Ekdromi.gr, for purchases in the online store
Masoutis, for purchases in physical stores
* The reward for the partner business Moustakas is:
5% for debit and prepaid card use
10% for credit card use
** The reward for the partner business Shell service stations is:
2% for debit and prepaid card use
3% for credit card use
To find out more about all the partner businesses, click here.
With Go For More, collecting points is simple! All you have to do is subscribe to the program and then automatically collect points with your daily banking transactions, but also with your purchases with the NBG cards. The Go For More program was created for you, to reward you daily for what did not matter until today. Now you earn points by paying electricity, water and telephone bills, sending a transfer via Digital Banking, insuring your car, paying off your loan installment or simply because you keep a balance in your deposit account! The more transactions and purchases you make, the more points you earn. Discover the ways you can earn points every day, in the above section «How can I earn points?».
Using your debit, credit or prepaid card at the special terminals of the Go For More partner businesses (POS), you can choose to fully or partially redeem the points you have accumulated, and this way pay less or not at all.
Supermarkets, gas stations, department stores, telephony & Internet, travel agencies, hotels, restaurants, health & beauty services, baby items, electronics & electrical items are just some of the options available to you!
See all the partner businesses, as well as the stores closest to you.