Converting your GREEN CITY points to
Go For More points is easy, if you follow the steps below:
1. Register to the program
2. Collect GREEN CITY points each time you recycle.
3. Convert your GREEN CITY points into
Go For More points and get a unique code worth €3 (1,200
Go For More points) or €6 (2,400
Go For More points).
4. Enter the code in the designated field in the GREEN CITY section of your
Go For More app and earn up to €15 in
Go For More points every month (6,000
Go For More points). Specifically, you can redeem three coupons of €3 and one of €6 value.
Go For More points are credited to your
Go For More account up to 10 working days from the date of entering the unique code on the
Go For More app, and are valid for one (1) year from the date they're credited.