Everything you need for the security of your transactions

Be informed about the contemporary protection measures and early warning capabilities we offer you, in accordance with international security standards. Securing your Internet, mobile phone, and ATM transactions entails the protection of your personal data and ensures the confidentiality and security of your transactions.


The National Bank of Greece will never ask for your card security details (PIN, CVV) or Internet & Mobile Banking codes through email messages, SMS, Viber etc., nor through links contained in these messages.

Quick steps  you can take if you suspect you've been the victim of a scam

Quick steps you can take if you suspect you've been the victim of a scam

  • Contact us immediately on +30 210 4848484 and say the word "fraud" when prompted. 
  • Log in to Digital Banking from your mobile phone or computer, and freeze the card and/or transfers from your account. You can also modify the maximum daily limit for card and/or account transactions until you’re sure if fraud has actually occurred. More information can be found here
  • Log in to Digital Banking from your mobile phone or computer, and report a loss/theft of your card if you’re sure it has been stolen or lost. You can also have your card reissued.

Customer identification

If you are an NBG customer, your full name and part of your personal customer number (SYDIPEL) that you hold at the bank will be indicated at the top right of every email you receive from us, regarding NBG products and services.

Branded bitly

Every time we communicate for promotional purposes with you via SMS that contains a link, this will always be displayed with a unique shortened corporate URL in the form group.nbg.gr/123abc.

Business Viber

For communications through the Viber application, you will receive our message from the National Bank of Greece business account which is maintained on the platform and meets the encryption and messaging rules.

Strong identification

Your 2-digit identification and one-time password (OTP) provide the highest possible security for your online card transactions. Learn more

NBG authenticator

By downloading the NBG Authenticator app on your mobile phone you can approve every e-shop transaction quickly and securely. Learn more

Strong encryption

Transactions carried out through Digital Banking are secured by strong encryption in accordance with the best practices.

Notification center/ Push Alerts

You can receive notifications, such as push notifications, be instantly notified of any activity on your account, and refer to our past communications.

Recognized digital certificates

We use digital certificates from internationally recognized issuing entities to ensure the authenticity of our websites.

Automatic disconnection function

For greater security on your accounts, an automatic disconnection function is implemented after a predefined period of inactivity.

Block user

You can voluntarily lock your account through Internet Banking, in the event you know or suspect your data has been hacked: go to "Block user" in the "User Profile" section, or direct via the Internet Banking login page (before login).
Learn more

Line for immediate communication

If you are a victim of fraud, you can contact us at any time at

+30 210 48 48 484, mentioning the word "fraud".

Additional safety tips

Visit useful sources of information from organizations such as the Hellenic Bank Association

One pause is enough to avoid online fraud

Learn more

Information and raising awareness on "SIM Swapping" fraud type

Learn more

Information and raising awareness on the fraud type involving phone calls for "alleged" computer malfunctions

Learn more

The ten most common scams and what you can do to avoid them

Learn more

Basic instructions to stay safe

Read the most up-to-date advice and ensure the protection of your banking data.

Type in the bank's email address and do not follow search engine results, or links included in emails or messages.
Check that https://www.nbg.gr does not contain any other letters or numbers and click on the padlock icon to make sure that the connection is secured.
Before clicking confirm, carefully check the transaction described in the one-time password (OTP) message you received on your mobile phone.
Avoid using public or shared networks to connect to Internet Banking when you are about to make a banking transaction.
Never store your passwords on any of your devices.
Change your passwords at least every six months.

Install an anti-malware program on your devices and update it regularly.
Make sure that each e-mail you receive corresponds to the name of the person appearing as the sender.
Ignore and delete messages of doubtful origin and do not follow links that include and refer to websites.
Do not reveal by phone, email, Internet form, or social media, confidential information such as your username, password, card and PIN details, one-time passwords (OTP), and other codes.
Always use the most up-to-date versions of Internet browsers (e.g., Chrome, Microsoft Edge), which ensure advanced security design.
Contact us immediately at +30 210 48 48 484, in any case of suspected leakage of your security codes or fraud, mentioning the word "fraud".

We provide you with the latest protection tools and the most up-to-date information to keep your transactions and data secured.

Phishing: Everything you need to know about "phishing"

Phishing is the attempt to steal your banking data through misleading e-mails or mobile phone messages from supposedly trusted entities. The main target is the interception of your Digital Banking access codes, as well as your bank account or credit and debit card details.

Messages such as SMS, e-mails or even phone calls (e.g., repairing an "alleged" fault) appear to come from the bank itself or from other trusted organizations and seek to mislead you and extract personal data such as your Digital Banking password and details of your bank accounts or credit and debit cards.

The bank's cotemporary identification systems as well as your proper awareness on these kinds of attempts can protect you from being a fraud victim. The bank will never ask you for your passwords through any form of message and you should never log into Digital Banking through links embedded in any message.

These messages usually include an urgent sign, but having been informed you can identify them, and stay safe.

1. The email does not originate from the National Bank of Greece domain (@nbg.gr), although the communication attempts to indicate that it is related to or originates from it.

2. There are attached files included in the emails (very often files with the extension . pdf,. zip)

3. Poor & incorrect use of the Greek language or grammatical errors are detected.

4. The content of the e-mail/sms/phone call asks you to perform a suspicious action, e.g., to go to a link and enter certain information.

5. The links contain anagrams referring to existing electronic sites, like those of the National Bank of Greece, but without belonging to the bank.

SIM Swapping

A technique in which fraudsters manage to gain access to the victim's personal data in various ways, such as through malicious applications, social media searches, etc. With this data, they deceive mobile operators to obtain a new SIM card to replace the one the legitimate holder has. Once they activate the new card, they can receive all the calls and messages of the legitimate holder to perform illegal activities. See the detailed update from the Hellenic Bank Association.


Plain text messages (SMS) sent to the mobile phones of potential victims.


The attempt to deceive is made by means of a telephone call. Very common is the attempt to deceive through an alleged repair of the device (e.g., computer, smartphone) of the potential victim by a well-known IT company. In this way, they convince their victims that the device requires intervention (e.g., repair) and install applications that allow them to control the device in order to steal the victims' personal data stored on it.

Pharming (phishing without a lure)

Hackers or some malware installed on the potential victim's computer through the browser, directing them to a virtual website.

Spear phishing

This technique targets specific individuals. Hackers research and focus on specific targets by sending appropriately tailored emails.


Targeted e-fishing aimed at "big targets", e.g., CEOs or politicians.

Clone phishing

Advanced jamming technique in real mail. The attacker clones a legitimate email from a trusted source. To the victim, the email or mobile message they receive appears to be a continuation of their conversation but may contain a malicious link.

1. Avoid online scams

If someone calls you from an unknown number and claims to be an employee of a well-known IT company, without you having reported a computer fault, you should terminate the call.

2. Avoid using unreliable software

Never install remote management software that may be suggested by a stranger.

3. Protect your online/social media presence

If your mobile phone stops working for unusual reasons, contact your bank and mobile phone provider immediately. Sometimes you may lose signal due to wider problems affecting your mobile phone service. However, if you lose service in a location where there is usually good network coverage, it is safer to contact both your bank and your network provider and confirm that your SIM has not been deactivated.

4. Enable instant notifications for your transactions

Don't give out your mobile phone number on social media.

5. Protect your devices

Subscribe to organizations’ services that provide SMS and email notifications when your transactions are executed. If you are an NBG Mobile Banking user, you can receive instant notifications on your mobile phone (Push Notifications) for every incoming or outgoing transaction from your accounts and cards.

6. Anti-malware solution

Never reply to unfamiliar messages or calls asking for your account details and your registered mobile phone number.

7. Keep your devices up to date

Your computer and devices (tablets, smart phones/smartphones) should always have the latest operating system and application updates. Install and always keep a reliable anti-malware program up to date.

8. Check your transactions

Check your account transactions frequently.

9. Activate the security features

Use the security features included in your device, such as keypad lock or phone lock when not in use.

10. Delete bank communications

Delete the text messages you receive from the bank, especially if someone else is going to use your device.

11. Keep the bank informed

If you change your mobile phone number, go immediately to the nearest bank branch to register it.

12. Turn off NFC technology

If any of your devices (e.g., smartphone, smartwatch, tablet, etc.) support contactless payments via NFC (Near Field Communications) technology, it is important that the function is disabled when no transactions are made.

If you find that transactions have been made without your approval, please contact us immediately.

Information and support

Contact the automated Call Center at +30 210 48 48 484 from Greece or abroad for information and support on:

  •  Internet, Phone & Internet services Mobile Banking
  •  the activation of your card
  • any loss:

- of your card

- Internet, Mobile and Phone Banking passwords

- the mobile phone device that you have declared during the registration for the use of the OTP sending service via the Viber application or by SMS

- your SIM card.

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Additional Transaction Authenticator (3FA)

Transaction Security Code

Discover an additional way to identify yourself for transactions that exceed €1,000/day in total.
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Secure your cards & bank accounts online

Secure your cards & bank accounts online

Manage the security settings from your mobile or desktop in a flash.
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ibank alerts


Stay in control of your account and card activity.
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ishiri taftopiisi

Strong Identification

Learn about the strong customer authentication, aiming to secure your transactions.
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NBG Authenticator

NBG Authenticator

You can approve e-commerce transactions that require strong authentication on your mobile.
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Every time you make a transaction on your computer, tablet, or mobile, you approve your transaction via Fast Login PIN or biometrics, offering more security.
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Push Notifications

Push Notifications

You receive updates on your mobile every time you make a transaction so you can better control your finances.
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Our customer service team is here for you

Our highly trained team is waiting to answer any questions you may have, in person or by phone.  