By preventing risks threatening your health and your family, you will one less thing to worry about.
Specifically, you can:
The plan offers a full annual checkup and free preventive tests.
Specifically, the Full Prevention plan offers you:
You can choose between 2 packages.
Package A:
Free diagnostic tests upon referral note by any doctor of the corresponding specialty and symptomatology up to a value of €2,000 annually, based on the current Government Price List (FEK).
Package B:
Free diagnostic tests upon referral note by any Network or EOPYY doctor of the corresponding specialty and symptomatology up to a value of €700 annually, based on the Government Price List (FEK) in place at that time.
Medical tests not included in the FEK (government price list), x-rays and ultrasounds are excluded. In these cases, the charge amounts to 50% of the private price list of the Affidea Group.
Whichever package you select, you will additionally receive the following:
You can choose between packages. The insurance premium for Package A is €12.85 per month and for Package B is €11.45 per month.
Additional 11,5€ for contract right only in the first installment.
In the following documents you will find all the information you may need.
Our product is addressed to customers who are permanent residents of Greece and wish to obtain primary medical care. The insured person must be older than 30 days and up to 70 years of age.
Important notes:
The information above is purely informative and does not replace the pre-contractual information provided under current legislation or the insurance contract and its general and specific terms. Complete pre-contractual and contractual information for the specific product is available at NBG's branch network and electronically, in the case of programs available via Internet and/or Mobile Banking.
The insurance plans have been set up by Ethniki General Insurance and are distributed by National Bank of Greece SA, 86 Aiolou Street, 10559 Athens, Company Reg. No.: 311481. For more information click here.
The distribution of the insurance plans is only provided by qualified NBG staff certified to provide insurance intermediation services. The Bank is registered with the Special Register of Athens Chamber of Tradesmen under Reg. No. 1028 as an insurance agent. The Special Register data are published on the electronic platform "Single Information Point for Active Insurance Intermediaries” (http://insuranceregistry.uhc.gr/), where you can verify the registration at the Special Register
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