You can make your student years more carefree and creative with a savings bank account that offers you the possibility of obtaining a personal loan designed specifically for your needs. Finance your studies with privileges and favorable terms.
Specifically, you can:
You can also have:
Specifically, you receive:
You can carry out your everyday transactions securely via NBG branches and i-bank channels.
You have the option to insure either your car or your for private-use farm truck, used for agricultural reasons, with conditions.
The insurance plans are designed by Ethniki General Insurance and sold through the branch network of National Bank of Greece S.A., Aiolou 86, 102 32 Athens, Company Reg. No.: 311481 Athens. Insurance plans are sold only by Bank staff who are certified insurance intermediaries. The Bank is registered as an insurance agent with the Special Registry of the Athens Chamber of Tradesmen under No. 1028. The Special Registry's data are available through the online platform "Point of Single Contact (ESIP)" of Active Insurance Intermediaries, via which you can verify the registration with the Special Registry, http://insuranceregistry.uhc.gr/.
For information on interest rates and/or charges relating to NBG's deposits, click here.
For information about product features and terms and conditions, please visit Precontract Information and Single Agreement, respectively.
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