Settling your overdue debts is a sustainable solution, as it enables their regular repayment. As to the process, at NBG you enjoy a series of exclusive benefits, such as:
Meanwhile, we are committed to continuously ameliorate our debts settlement services so that your needs are always successfully met, acting in accordance with the Framework of Regulations and the current credit policy of our Bank.
The overdue debts settlement concerns the following categories of services/products:
For the settlement of your overdue debt, you can:
Documentation for Consumer and Mortgage Debt Settlement
Documentation for the settlement of debts of SMEs or borrowers whose income derive from business activity
For firms that keep single entry books:
For firms that keep double entry books:
For your request’s evaluation, you can contact our Bank through the following options:
You can be further informed regarding the Process of Delays Resolution according to law 4224/2013, as amended and in force in the current Code of Conduct.