NBG is participating in the new co-financed program "Upgrade my home" for energy interventions in homes with the participation of the Recovery & Resilience Fund by 75% under Law 4820/2021 (Article 197A) and Joint Ministerial Decision 190078/2024 (Government Gazette 6896/B/2024).
Upgrade your home with energy interventions and the support of National Bank of Greece!
For example, you can:
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"Upgrading my House" managed by Hellenic Development Bank S.A. is implemented under the Loan Programme of the Recovery and Resilience Fund with the funding of the European Union-NextGenerationEU.
What does the "Upgrade my home" loan concern?
The "Upgrade my home" loan concerns the upgrade of your home through energy interventions. Specifically, you can be funded for:
VAT is an eligible expenditure under the Program and is included in the loan amount.
Financed interventions must be implemented and tax documents must have been issued at a time subsequent to the date of inclusion in the Program.
You can submit your application at the NBG branch that suits you best.
The application must be accompanied by the Program supporting documents (electricity supply number, building permit, property ownership title, E1 tax form). Once the eligibility conditions have been met, your credit standing is then assessed.
For your convenience, book an appointment online easily and quickly, by clicking here.
The loan is repaid in monthly amortization instalments, with the first repayment being made one month after disbursement. Payments are automatically collected every month, on the same date, from the NBG account you have designated to NBG for this purpose.
The loan can be disbursed in one lump sum or in instalments.
To update your details you only need Internet Banking login credentials. Through the eGov-KYC service, you can change your income, contact, address and occupation details or upload the corresponding supporting documents.
Otherwise, you can visit a Branch to report any change in your details. Find out about the necessary documents in the form: “ Have you introduced yourselves? If not ... Do it now".