Upgrade my home

For energy interventions in your home made easy, with the guidance of National Bank of Greece and co-financing of the Recovery & Resilience Fund.

NBG is participating in the new co-financed program "Upgrade my home" for energy interventions in homes with the participation of the Recovery & Resilience Fund by 75% under Law 4820/2021 (Article 197A) and Joint Ministerial Decision 190078/2024 (Government Gazette 6896/B/2024).

Upgrade your home with energy interventions and the support of National Bank of Greece!

For example, you can:

  • Be funded for the entire amount of the works, from €5,000 up to €25,000
  • Benefit from an interest free loan without any fees
  • Complete repayment within 3 to 7 years
  • Disburse quickly, as no collateral is required

You can also

Get additional financing with:

  • EXPRESS personal loan, through the branch network, with exemption from the one-off charge and reduced interest rate (by 2 points)
  • “ESTIA RENOVATION” repair loan without collateral, with exemption from the one-off charge and reduced interest rate (by 1 percentage point)


"Upgrading my House" managed by Hellenic Development Bank S.A. is implemented under the Loan Programme of the Recovery and Resilience Fund with the funding of the European Union-NextGenerationEU.


In brief:

  • Up to €25,000
  • Full interest subsidy for all
  • With no collateral

Before you start

  • The required documents
    We’ll need your ID or passport or residence permit, depending on your nationality.
  • Proof of your income
    We’ll need a tax clearance certificate from the last year and supporting documentation evidencing your employment (payslip or VAT Returns/receipts evidencing provision of services).
  • Required Program documentation
    See here the full list of documentation. In order to better prepare for the process, please find here the table of budgeted works, which you should present duly completed and signed by a civil engineer.

How to apply

Your first visit
To start the process, you’ll need to come to a Branch, provide us with the supporting documents and submit the application. In order to better prepare the process, check the relevant list with the documents we require.
Pre-approval process
Once the application is pre-approved, we’ll contact you immediately to inform you about the outcome
Sign the agreement & first disbursement
Once everything is ready after the submission of the supporting documents, we’ll invite you to visit our NBG branch in order to sign the loan agreement and you’ll be able to get an advance so as to get started on your upgrade works The loan disbursement is paid into your deposit account.

Have any questions?

You can finance up to 100% of the cost for the implementation of energy interventions, up to a maximum of €25,000 (minimum of €5.000).
The interest rate on the "Upgrade My Home" loan is fully subsidized, so the loan is interest-free. The loan is also exempt from the levy under Law 128/75 (currently 0.12%)
The loan term may be from 3 to 7 years.

What does the "Upgrade my home" loan concern?

The "Upgrade my home" loan concerns the upgrade of your home through energy interventions. Specifically, you can be funded for:

  • Thermal insulation (internal/external)
  • Installation of a green roof
  • Installation of energy saving window frames-panels
  • Installation of solar water heater
  • Installation of external permanent shading systems (not awnings)
  • Installation of a heating-cooling system, exclusively with RES or with a high efficiency combined heat and power system (e.g. heat pump, inverter air conditioners class A+)
  • Installation of thermostatic regulation systems
  • Installation of an energy storage system (batteries) from RES
  • Installation of photovoltaics, wind turbines or other RES
  • Works/Services of Technical Consultant-Engineer

VAT is an eligible expenditure under the Program and is included in the loan amount.

Financed interventions must be implemented and tax documents must have been issued at a time subsequent to the date of inclusion in the Program.

  • You should sign the loan agreement within 60 days of your inclusion in the Program.
  • In addition, within 18 months from the signing of the loan agreement, you’ll need to have carried out the interventions financed in the context of the Program.

Our customer service team is here for you

Our highly trained team is waiting to answer any questions you may have, in person or by phone.  