The Mini package costs €0.5/month or €5/year and €0.05/SMS if you choose auto-renewal. When you select auto-renewal and exceed the number of SMS alerts included in the package, you’ll keep receiving SMS alerts at an additional charge per SMS. Upon renewal, you’ll be charged for the total of the additional SMS alerts.
If you haven’t opted for auto-renewal and run out of SMS, you’ll continue to receive email alerts only. Alternatively, you can opt for instant package renewal.
To activate the package of your choice, you need a confirmation code you’ll receive on your mobile or email when you press the button. For your alerts, you can enter a mobile or email different from the one you’ve already provided us and linked to your account.
If your payments become past due, none of the packages can auto-renew, and you’ll not be able to purchase a new Mini or Unlimited package until the account is settled. You can settle your account by selecting the debit account of your choice and clicking on Payment.
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