ELPEDISON is the first Independent electricity producer in Greece and one of the biggest and most reliable electricity and Natural Gas supplier.
Thanks to the knowledge and the experience that has inherited by its parent companies, HELLENiQ ENERGY και Edison, ELPEDISON aspires to always be a leading company in its sector. ELPEDISON, with its two privately-owned power plants in Thisvi (Voiotia) and Thessaloniki, of a total installed capacity of 820 MW, uses natural gas as fuel and ensures a clean and continuous electricity flow, based on a highly environmentally-friendly power generation process.
ELPEDISON covers the electricity needs of both residential and business customers, whether industrial or commercial, always offering competitive electricity and natural gas products and high-quality energy services.
Now you can pay ELPEDISON's Electricity and/or Natural Gas bill with National Bank of Greece cards and earn:
- 5% on the value of the electricity and/or natural gas bill using a credit card
- 1% on the value of the electricity and/or natural gas bill using a debit or prepaid card
The reward is offered in Go For More points, for payment of bills up to €300/month, at ELPEDISON physical points, ELPEDISON site and fixed payments using NBG cards.
The Go For More points are credited within 15 working days.
Also, there are rewards in digital payment channels as well.
Learn more.