Financing guaranteed by DeLFI GF for SMEs

Development Law Financial Instrument Guarantee Fund (DeLFI GF) in collaboration with the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB) for the implementation of investment projects included in the Development Law.

The program at a glance

Budget and availability period of the program

The program budget is €56,700,000 and the availability period (conclusion date of the agreements) is through to 31/12/2025 or until available funds have been used up.

Purpose of financing

The purpose of the program is to facilitate access to credit for newly established and existing sustainable Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) whose investment plan has been placed in one of the thirteen aid schemes of Development Law 4887/2022.

Financing amount

The maximum amount of the loan, which finances eligible expenses, can be up to €10,000,000 per investment project (sum of the long-term and short-term loan) and arises from the financing scheme of the application included in the Development Law.

Financing duration

A) for medium and long-term loans, the minimum term is three (3) years and the maximum term is ten (10) years, including any grace period, and 

B) for short-term loans the minimum term is one (1) year and the maximum term is five (5) years. Note that the loan term must correspond to the final completion date of the investment and the disbursement of the subsidy to the business. 


Disbursement procedure

The loan can be disbursed in a lump sum or in instalments, with the first disbursement (partial or lump sum) to be completed within four (4) months from the date of signing the financing agreement. 

In case of tranche disbursements, the total disbursements must be completed within thirty-six (36) months of the date of signing the financing agreement.


Repayment method

A) the medium and long-term loans shall be repaid through equal or non-equal monthly, 3-month, or 6-month amortization instalments, 
B) the short-term loans shall be repaid at maturity, with a bullet instalment.


Under the Program, guaranteed loans are provided to cover bank lending included under Law 4887/2022 for investment projects (i.e. the submission of the financing request requires that the Decision for Inclusion of the investment plan has been issued), both for the medium and long-term loan part of the financing scheme of the approved investment and for the short-term lending concerning the grant, as per the Development Law (4887/2022, Government Gazette A 16/04.02.2022). 

Specifically via the program, interested companies may be financed by means of loans: 

  • of medium and long-term duration with no state aid (Action code DF1), 
  • of short-term duration against the concession of the grant with no state aid (Action code DF2), 
  • of medium and long-term duration, with state aid (Action code DF3), 
  • of short-term duration against the concession of the grant with state aid (Action code DF4), 
1. Eligible expenses are the following: 
i. investment expenses in tangible or intangible assets 
ii. the estimated payroll cost resulting from the creation of job positions as a result of an initial investment, calculated over a period of two years; or 
iii. the combination stated under points (i) and (ii), provided that the total amount does not exceed the amount of (i) or (ii), depending on which is greater. 
Note that when eligible costs are calculated on the basis of the estimated payroll cost under point (ii), the conditions of Article 9 of the General Block Exemption Regulation (EU) 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty (hereinafter “GBER”) must be met. 

2. The investment remains in the region where the aid is granted for at least three years. 
3. The assets acquired must be new. 
4. Specifically for costs linked to the rental / lease: 
4.1. for land and buildings rental / lease shall continue for at least three years after the expected investment completion date. 
4.2. for land or machinery, rent must be in the form of leasing and it must include an obligation on the part of the aid’s beneficiary to purchase the asset at the rental/lease maturity. 

5. In cases of an initial investment as stated in Article 2(49)(b) or (51)(b) of the GBER, only the cost of purchased assets from third parties not related to the buyer is taken into account. However, if a family member of the original owner, or one or more employees undertakes a micro business, the condition that the assets purchased from third parties not related to the buyer does not apply. The transaction will be carried out under market conditions. In cases where aid has already been granted for the acquisition of assets prior to their purchase, the cost of such assets will be deducted from the eligible costs related to the acquisition of a business establishment. When a family member or an employee of the original owner undertakes a micro business, the condition that the assets purchased from third parties not related to the buyer does not apply. The acquisition of shares in not considered an initial investment. 

6. Expenses incurred for intangible assets shall be considered eligible if said assets: 
6.1. are used exclusively in the business establishment receiving the aid 
6.2. are regarded as amortizable assets 
6.3. are purchased under market conditions from third parties unrelated to the buyer; and 
6.4.are included in the assets of the beneficiary and remain linked to the subsidized project for at least three (3) years. 

7. The beneficiary confirms that, in the two years prior to the aid application, he has not relocated to the business premises where the initial investment for which aid is requested will take place and undertakes not to do so within a maximum period of two years as of completion of the initial investment for which aid is requested. 

SMEs, which:

  • are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (as defined in Annex I of the GBER and that have been included in a support scheme under the new Development Law 4887/2022.
  • are established and operate legally in Greece up to the time of submission of their financing request to the Financial Institution.
  • are solvent and any existing outstanding debts are not more than ninety (90) days past due as at the date of the application.
  • are not in financial distress (as defined in Article 2(18) of the GBER, as amended.)
  • are not subject to the exclusion criteria of Article 40 of Law 4488/17 (A 137/139/17), as amended.
  • are not subject to collective process or insolvency proceedings {(insolvency proceedings are proceedings under Law 4738/2020, as applicable, excluding the Extrajudicial Debt Settlement Mechanism (Part 2, Capital A, under Law 4738/2020), or equivalent proceedings under foreign laws)}, and do not meet the criteria under domestic law for being placed in collective insolvency proceedings at the request of creditors.
  • have not received rescue or restructuring aid, or the interested companies have received rescue aid but have repaid the loan and terminated the guarantee agreement or the interested companies have received restructuring aid which has been completed.
  • have not applied for funding under the terms of the Fund before the commencement of works on the investment project (Article 2 (23) of Regulation (EU) 651/2014) so as to meet the incentive nature of the aid provided for in Article 6 of GBER.  
  • have no aid/funding claw-back order pending under a previous decision of the EU Committee or the European Court, by which the said funding has been declared illegal and incompatible.
  • If the interested companies have been included in any HDB (former ETEAN, TEMPE) financing programs that have been completed or are still in effect, they should not have demonstrated adverse transaction behaviour as regards repayment of their dues (loan termination or debts that are 90+ dpd), or if they have shown adverse transaction behaviour (loan termination or debts that are 90+ dpd), they should have repaid their debts in full before submission of the financing request or, in the case of a guarantee program, the amount of the guarantee has not been paid by the HDB on the execution date of the Final Recipient Loan Agreement or, if the said debt has been verified with the competent Tax Office, such debt should have been included in a rescheduling program which continues to be in force on the date the financing request is submitted.

do not belong in the category of Non-Eligible Firms, as described hereinbelow:

1. No amounts of aid may be granted from the Guarantee Fund which is excluded from the scope of the GBER in line with Article 1, i.e. in the cases listed below (subject to Article 1 of the GBER, as in force at the time that the aid is granted):
i Aid for activities related to exports to third countries or Member States, and specifically aid directly linked to the quantities exported, to the establishment and operation of a distribution network or to other current costs linked to the export activity
ii Aid contingent upon the use of domestic over imported goods.
iii Aid granted to the fishery and aquaculture sector, with specific exceptions, as defined in article 1 subparagraph 3.a of the GBER.
iv Aid granted to the primary agricultural production sector, with specific exceptions, as defined in article 1 subparagraph 3.a of the GBER.
v Aid granted to the sector of processing and marketing of agricultural products, in the following cases:
i. where the amount of the aid is defined on the basis of the price or quantity of such products purchased from primary producers or put on the market by the relevant businesses
ii. where the aid is conditional on being partly or entirely passed on to primary producers
vi Aid to facilitate the closure of uncompetitive coal mines, as covered by Council Decision 2010/787/EU (2) 
vii The categories of regional aid referred to in Article 13 of the GBER.


2. If a company is involved in both the excluded sectors and in sectors which fall within the scope of the GBER, then the GBER applies to aid granted to the sectors or activities in the second case, provided that the separation of activities or distinction of costs is secured by appropriate means and that the activities carried out in the excluded sectors do not benefit from aid granted in accordance with the provisions of the GBER in the eligible sectors.


3. Businesses with a pending recovery order are also excluded, further to a previous decision of the Commission, pursuant to which such aid has been declared illegal and incompatible with the internal market with specific exceptions which are defined in article 1 paragraph 4.a of the GBER.


4. In addition, businesses involved in the following activities are not eligible: 
4.1. activities targeting the production or trade of weapons and ammunition, explosives, equipment or infrastructures specifically designed for military use and equipment or infrastructure which result in limiting people’s individual rights and freedom (including prisons, detention centres of any kind) or in violation of human rights.
4.2. activities which cause environmental impacts that for the most part cannot be mitigated and/or counterbalanced (including, inter alia, projects in protected areas, critical habitats and heritage sites),
4.3. activities considered ethically or morally controversial, for example  esearch on human cloning and animal testing,
4.4. healthcare technology activities related to human cloning for research or therapeutic purposes; and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) / Foods.
4.5. activities considered illegal and prohibited by national legislation.
4.6. healthcare technology activities related to human cloning for research or therapeutic purposes; and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) / Foods.
4.7. IT activities related to online gambling, casinos, illegal activities (pornography, illegal access to electronic data networks, illegal obtaining electronic data)
4.8. decommissioning or construction of nuclear power plants
4.9. activities targeting the production or facilitating the use of gambling and related equipment
4.10.activities targeting tobacco production, manufacturing, processing or specialized tobacco distribution, and activities facilitating the use of tobacco (i.e. smoking lounges).


5. Also, no amounts of aid may be granted from the Fund which is excluded from the scope of the GBER in line with Article 13, i.e. in the cases listed below (subject to Article 13 of the GBER, as in force at the time that the aid is granted): 
5.1. Aid to facilitate activities in the steel, coal, shipbuilding or synthetic fibres sectors.
5.2. Aid to facilitate the transport sector and relevant infrastructures, nor aid for projects for energy production, distribution and infrastructure, except regional investment aid in outermost regions and regional operating aid schemes
5.3. Regional aid targeting a limited number of specific sectors of economic activity; schemes related to tourism activities, broadband infrastructure or the processing and marketing of agricultural products are not considered to target specific sectors of economic activity
5.4. Regional operating aid granted to businesses whose principal activities may be subject to sector K “Financial and insurance activities” (NACE rev. 2), or to businesses exercising intragroup activities and whose main activities may be subject to classes 70.10 “Head office activities” or 70.22 “Business and other management consultancy activities” (NACE rev. 2).


6. In addition, the following businesses are excluded: 
6.1. Legal Entities under Public Law, or first or second degree Local Government Organizations, and Municipal or Public Organizations.
6.2. Legal Entities under Public Law, Unions of Persons or Non-profit companies (unions, associations, groups, NGOs, etc.).
6.3. Companies listed on the Stock Exchange.
6.4. Off-shore companies (and their branches in Greece) or holding companies.
6.5. Entities of the financial sector.

  • The minimum loan amount is €50,000 and the maximum is €10,000,000 per investment project. 

Note that provided the accumulation limits for state aid are observed as per the provisions of article 14 of the GBER, as applicable, an investment project may be financed in parallel through separate loan agreements:

  • long-term lending to cover part of the Private Participation (always maintaining 25% of the aided investment with the company's own funds or external financing with no state aid elements),
  • with short-term lending for the entire Grant. 
  • The purpose of the financing concerns investment projects included in the framework of Development Law 4887/2022.
  • For medium- and long-term loans, the minimum term is three (3) years and the maximum term is ten (10) years, including the grace period, and 
    for short-term loans the minimum term is one (1) year and the maximum term is five (5) years. 
    Note that the loan term must correspond to the final completion date of the investment and the disbursement of the subsidy to the business.
  • Long-term loan repayment can be made in monthly, 3-month, or 6-month amortization instalments, with a grace period option of up to 36 months.
    In the case of short-term loans, they shall be repaid at maturity, with a bullet instalment.
  • Base Rate: 3month Euribor (in the event of a negative rate, the value of zero shall apply instead).
  • Margin: There is a discount on the applicable interest margin compared with the annual interest rate that would be charged by NBG on a similar loan without DeLFI fund participation.
  • The charge for the levy under Law 126/75 (currently 0.6%) concerns the entire loan.
  • Interest is posted on 30/6 and 31/12.


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