Recovery and Resilience Fund (RRF)

Financing under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0" is carried out through the resources of the Recovery and Resilience Fund ("RRF"), amounting to over €31 billion, which will be channelled through grants or loans under favorable terms applicable to eligible investment plans. RRF's lending program holds resources of €12.7 billion to be made available through the domestic financial system and European financial institutions. 

National Bank of Greece actively supports the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and works with the Fund to allocate RRF Loans to eligible investment plans. RRF Loans will cover a maximum of 50% of the total eligible investment cost of the financed investments, while the business’s private participation will cover at least 20% of the total eligible investment cost. At least 30% of the total eligible cost of the investment plan will be covered by a Co-financing Loan from NBG. The benefit for the business included in the loan program shall derive from the lower interest rate of RRF Loans as compared with a loan that would be approved by the Bank from its own funds for the same purpose. Eligible investment plans must fulfil the criteria of at least one of the 5 Pillars of the RRF loan program: (a) Green Transition, (b) Digital Transformation, (c) Innovation, research & development, (d) Development of economies of scale through partnerships, acquisitions and mergers, and (e) Export orientation.  More information on eligible investment spending can be found in the Call for Proposals.

The percentage of the investment to be covered by a loan with RRF funds is determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the percentage of the spending budget included in the five eligible pillars (as per the eligibility criteria set out in Article 3 of the Ministerial Decision).
The proposed financing scheme shall be submitted to the Go Beyond interbank platform for evaluation, alongside the supporting documents required on a case-by-case basis, as stated in the Call for Proposals. 

Evaluation of investment plan eligibility and the percentage share of the RRF loan and the co-financing loan is carried out by an Appraiser who is selected from a register of auditors / appraisers drawn up by the Recovery and Resilience Agency; the relevant fee thereof is paid by the owner of the investment based on the amount of the investment plan (more information is included in the Call for Proposals). 

The evaluation of the viability of the investment plan is carried out by NBG based on the applicable credit policy and the Bank’s internal procedures.

The deadline for the disbursement of RRF Loans to the final beneficiaries is 26 August 2026 or until resources are exhausted. 

Detailed guidelines on the RRF Loans being offered and on the process of submission of proposals by interested parties are set out below, in the Call for Proposals for the financing of investment plans by the RRF and the annexes thereof. 


Summary of the Application and Evaluation Procedures.

Useful documents

  • Call for proposals for the financing of investment plans by the RRF
    Learn more
  • Templates
    Learn more
  • Completion and eligibility assessment of an investment project
    Learn more
  • Regulation 651/2014
    Learn more
  • Manual for completing the eligibility evaluation model of investment plan
    Learn more
  • Regulation 2831/2023 (De Minimis)
    Learn more
  • Regulation 2472/2022 (Αgricultural Block Exemption Regulation)
    Learn more

For funding and support of your business plans, you can fill in the Application form for inclusion in the Recovery and Resilience Fund's programs.

I want to apply