Efstratia Fountoukou
Assistant General Manager responsible for Strategic, ESG and Operational Risks
Efstratia Fountoukou joined National Bank of Greece in September 2006. Since October 2023 she has been appointed Assistant General Manager responsible for Strategic, ESG and Operational Risks, reporting to the Group CRO.
Efstratia started her career at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in 1998 in external audit and assurance. In 2002 she transferred to the PwC Transaction Services and specialized in Financial Due Diligence in the context of M&A, IPOs and privatization advisory projects, collaborating with multinational groups and expert teams in Greece and abroad, across different industries (energy, telecoms, manufacturing, banking).
After she joined National Bank of Greece in 2006 and for 6 years, she was employed abroad, in NBG’s International activities. In 2007 she was appointed CFO of the acquired subsidiary in Serbia, Vojvodjanska banka a.d. Novi Sad, and soon promoted to CFO/COO and Member of the Executive Board responsible for the operational transformation and integration of the subsidiary to the NBG Group Model Bank for SEE. She has managed projects of large scale financial and operational restructuring and upgrade of systems, processes and infrastructure across banking activities. In 2013 she was repatriated in Greece as Director of Business analysis and Organization of National Bank, in view of domestic banking system’s restructuring initiatives.
For 5 years (2014-2019), she was Director of Group Financial Planning and Management Information, reporting to the Group CFO, dealing with budgeting and business planning, internal profitability and ALM modelling and actively participated in ECB supervisory reviews and regulatory interactions. Since 2015 Efstratia focused on the Non-Performing Exposures (NPE) management, regarding the modelling of projections and target setting in line with regulatory requirements (NPE Plans), the monitoring of asset quality and risks associated with NPE Strategy execution.
She transferred to Risk Management in 2019, heading the innovative Group Strategic Risk Management division, with a mandate to develop a framework for managing risks related to the business plans, strategies, and the Business Model overall. This concept involves Scenario Analysis and the responsibility of Stress Testing exercises for internal and regulatory purposes. In parallel, since 2022 Efstratia has been actively engaged in the ESG and Sustainability strategy of NBG, from the risk management perspective, and responsible for establishing a holistic approach for oversight and management of the Climate related and Environmental Risks (C&E Risks).
Efstratia holds a BSc in International and European Economic Studies from the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and post-graduate professional degree from the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece (IESOEL). She has participated in numerous international courses and professional training programs in the areas of banking and audit.