The NBG Library aims to provide top-class service to its users by providing them with reliable bibliographical sources and to develop its role as a provider of information and knowledge.
With a focus on people and their optimal experience during their visit, we have moved ahead with:
- Updating all our holdings (books, journals, periodicals, gazettes, etc.).
- Implementing the latest library methods for processing materials using our online cataloguing system so that all our holdings are directly accessible and usable.
- Collaborating with other libraries and documentation centres.
Today, the library's collection includes 13,953 book titles, 674 foreign-language titles, and Greek journals, and a collection of 129 digital databases, with numerous thematic subcategories in each database (according to August 2021 data).
The NBG Library operates as a reading room for everyone interested, and a lending library for our employees and the collaborating libraries.
Contact phone numbers: +30 210 3341454, +30 210 3342092
Opening hours: The opening hours of the Central Library for the public are Mon-Fri 08.00 - 14.30.
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