Corporate Social Action Program "Responsibility"

We continue to sponsor people, culture, and the environment.

In the context of our responsible operation, we continue our sponsorship activities in line with our human-centered character in social contribution, our business ethics, and the long-standing trust of the Greek society.

We are committed to setting the right priorities consistently

In response to our broader social role as a "responsible and active citizen," we support initiatives contributing to general progress and social well-being, economic development, the preservation and promotion of Greek culture, and the environment's protection. These are the three pillars of the "Responsibility" Corporate Social Action Program: People - Culture - Environment.


Our approach to sustainable development and our social footprint

Our Corporate Social Action "Responsibility" program incorporates our core values in our business planning and our day-to-day operations, generously supporting a wide range of cultural, educational, and humanitarian initiatives and social activities

With responsibility for people

Award-winning actions
Contribution to Health

We support hospital units and health regions in the country

Consistent with our commitments to responsible operation and social sensitivity, we have developed since 2015 a program to support public care structures and, in particular, the country's hospital units by providing medical equipment and consumables for the timely treatment of medical incidents and other needs in cooperation with the Ministry of Health. We aim to provide practical support to the country's health sector and enhance the sense of security among the citizens of each geographical region.
The ongoing sponsorship program includes the supply and distribution of medical equipment to support more than 111 public hospital units and health centers in the country.
The above action was awarded at the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards 2018, with a Gold distinction in the category "Health and Safety."

Construction of a new wing of operating theatres at "EVANGELISMOS" Hospital (Multi-year sponsorship program)

With our social responsibility as our compass, we decided in December 2008 to donate €30.000.000 to the "EVANGELISMOS" General Hospital, a critical hospital in Greece, for the construction of a new wing of modern operating theatres, thus covering the needs of the hospital for at least 30 years, for it to offer high-quality medical services to the citizens of the country. The signing of the relevant contract and its ratification by law took place in 2011 with the Government Gazette 31/A/2011. The project was constructed in two phases. Utilizing the great experience of all our staff members involved in the project, we managed to keep the total cost (construction and equipment) significantly below the donation budget so that the remaining funds were allocated, following a joint decision of the bank and "EVANGELISMOS," to additional projects.


In line with the triptych "economic growth - sustainability - social cohesion," we participated with sensitivity in dealing with the crisis brought about by the Covid-19 virus. We adopted actions and initiatives to strengthen the National Health System by donating medical equipment, thus contributing to society.

Offer to Society

Support for vulnerable social groups

Throughout our historical journey, from 1841 to the present day, we have demonstrated in practice our enduring interest and responsibility in all sectors of the Greek economy and society and the everyday life of our citizens.

Today, we contribute financially to the work of organizations with recognized action in addressing social problems while supporting the operation of non-profit organizations, charities, voluntary initiatives, and charitable institutions. Read more in the ESG Report 2022.

Science - Research - Education - Innovation

We recognize that science, research, and innovation drive economic growth and prosperity while creating opportunities for initiatives, transformative innovations, and new challenges.

We have been supporting programs and responsible initiatives that promote education, innovation, technological development, and entrepreneurship for many years. In more detail:

  • We supported scholarship programs for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Greece and abroad.
  • We have contributed to the organization and sponsorship of Scientific Meetings (Conferences, Summer Schools, Seminars, Workshops), which aim to promote research and science.
  • We supported educational institutions and libraries.

Creation of digital laboratories in schools in Attica

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, and Building Infrastructures S.A., we created 22 Edulabs open technology labs from 2016 to 2018 in 17 school units in Attica, where more than 5,000 students are housed to upgrade their digital infrastructure. Edulabs support 13-28 student seats per classroom and provide students and teachers with the infrastructure required to access digital technology and its many advantages in education.

Our sponsorship includes the provision of technological equipment, according to the specifications set by the Ministry of Education, the supply of new desks, and technical support throughout the year.

This initiative is part of our participation as an Urban Development Fund of the Region of Attica in the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects, which concern the Design, Financing, Construction, and Technical Management of School Units in Urban Areas.

Our strategic goal is to make these digital classrooms spaces of knowledge and learning and inform students on innovation, technology, environment, etc., through programs in collaboration with reputable institutions and public benefit institutions.
The added value of Edulabs is reflected in the words of the users themselves - the I.T. managers of the units who convey their enthusiasm and that of the end-users, the children themselves:

- "The students are excited at the idea of going into the lab. They get in touch with open software and open standards. They learn to interact with the equipment, not just through the screen. Teachers enjoy the interactive whiteboard, which is the most modern thing a school can have and can be used by all colleagues. The children are looking forward to doing projects with the 3D printer and robots."

- "It's night and day compared to what we have seen so far. It's the most modern we could have, and it's enjoyed by teachers and students alike. Excitement is the word that would describe the feeling of anyone who enters the lab, student and teacher alike."

- "The existence of the workshop alone is news for the school. Children are getting access to equipment and learning about technologies they might not have had access to in other circumstances."
The above action was awarded at the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards 2018 with a Gold distinction in the category "Education/Fellowships."

Our contribution to Sport

With faith in our commitment to support Sport and the sporting ideal, we have stood by the side of distinguished athletes of a new generation, who, through their competitions and distinctions, honor our country worldwide and promote the standards of consistency, hard work, and strength of soul to the youth.


With responsibility for culture

Our imprint on culture

Supporting activities that highlight the National Heritage and promote culture has always been an integral part of our bank's social policy.


The multidimensional cultural and historical presence of the Historical Archive of the National Bank of Greece

Our Historical Archive was created in 1938 to preserve and promote the historically significant archival material of the National Bank of Greece, for which the bank has shown particular care since its Foundation. Thus, today it possesses a complete historical archive whose chronological boundaries are almost identical to the existence of the modern Greek state.

For more information, you can visit the Historical Archives website.


The timeless value and multifaceted action of the "Cultural Foundation of the National Bank of Greece."

In 1966, under the administration of Georgios Mavros, the National Bank of Greece (NBG), in the context of the celebration of the 125th anniversary of its Foundation, decided to create an educational-cultural institution to contribute to the development of letters, sciences, and the fine arts. The National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation was established by Decree 311 on 1 April 1966.

For more information, you can visit the Foundation's website

With significant actions and activities in all areas of cultural creation, we dedicate a substantial percentage of our sponsorship budget each year, supporting efforts that promote the History, Arts, Customs, and the intellectual output of our country.

  • We help support activities and events (music, visual, and performing arts).
  • We support with sponsorships the preservation and promotion of historical and cultural events, the maintenance and restoration of monuments, and the realization of archaeological excavations.
  • We sponsor publishing initiatives of cultural and historical interest.

More in the ESG Report 2022.


Museum of Angelos Sikelianos

We bought the Angelos Sikelianos house and financed the restoration and museological studies for its conversion into the Angelos Sikelianos Museum. We undertook and supervised the implementation of the studies and handed it over to the Municipality of Lefkada as a model museum of international standards.

In April 2007, we bought and transferred to the Municipality of Lefkada the house of Angelos Sikelianos.  

One year later, we undertook the support of the Municipality of Lefkada by deciding to donate the total funding for the restoration and transformation of the house into a museum.  
In November 2014, we proceeded with implementing the restoration and transformation of the building into a museum based on the special building and museum studies. Today, we hand over the project to the Municipality of Lefkada.  

The excellent management of the sponsorship led to producing a larger project. The decision of the Management in March 2017 includes the donation and the renovation of the garden theatre "Angelos Sikelianos" of about 200 sq.m. adjacent to where the great Maria Callas had sung.

It is the first museum in Greece, not just a museum of memorabilia. The internationally renowned literary personality of the Lefkadian poet, who was nine times nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature, is presented and analyzed in step with his life. The museological approach is scientifically sound yet human and intimate.

The above action was awarded at the Hellenic Responsible Business Awards 2018 with a Gold distinction, in the category "Culture/Sports."


The 1821-2021 Initiative and the 200th anniversary of the beginning of the Greek Revolution

Because of our history, which is closely linked to the creation of the Greek state and our philhellenic founders, we addressed the 15 charitable and cultural institutions concerning their work and their contribution to creating a focus of common ground for the celebration of our National Regeneration.

The "1821-2021 Initiative" ( aimed to highlight how the anniversary of the Revolution was an occasion for national reflection, based on the axiom that history is a source of inspiration for the future. In this spirit, planning actions and events to celebrate our National Regeneration in Greece and abroad, such as exhibitions and musical events, educational and research programs, and scholarships, were implemented in the three years 2020-2022.

With responsibility for the environment

With a positive impact on the environment

Our "responsible operation" is closely linked to environmental responsibility. Going one step further and aiming to reduce our ecological footprint, we allocate a significant amount each year to support actions, institutions, and environmental organizations with a structured program. These bodies aim both at sustainable development and environmental protection, cultivating ecological awareness, and raising awareness in society as a whole.

Together we create the future. This is how we step into tomorrow.

ENNOIA Initiative

ENNOIA Initiative

Find out about the ENNOIA Initiative, which aims at supporting Greek households by enhancing their knowledge and ability to make sound economic decisions, and if you are a researcher, take part in the relevant studies. 

Find out more


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