Our History

We create the future based on our history, which spans into 3 different centuries.

Throughout our 184 years of operation, in parallel with the newly-established Greek state, we always strive to be present at each small or big venture of our country, by supporting its financial and social growth efforts.

Guided by our values, we set the foundations for entrepreneurial growth, we encourage innovation and technology, and we stand by society, the environment and culture.

Today, we move forward with vision and optimism. We open new paths, by moving forward to the new digital era and by providing new solutions and prospects for people and the economy as a whole.

Embark on our journey through 184 years of history, by revisiting our most important milestones.

The bank
30 March 1841: The bank is established as a société anonyme and is headquartered at the capital.
The banking institution is consolidated
Georgios Stavros, the first Governor of the bank, consolidates the banking institution, establishes the circulation of banknotes and expands the bank by opening 15 branches throughout Greece.
The National Theater is established
NBG contributes in the cultural development of the country by supporting the construction of the National Theater in Athens.
The bank’s shares are listed on the Athens Stock Exchange.
12 May 1880: the shares are listed on the official opening date of the Stock Exchange.
The construction of Corinth Canal starts
The bank provides financial support to the Isthmus of Corinth company. For its completion, the bank establishes the “New Corinth Canal société anonyme” in 1907.
Socially vulnerable groups are financially supported
The bank finances the raisin producers in order to help manage the raisin production crisis. At the same time, the bank provides financial aid to the people of Zakynthos and Lakrida that were affected by the earthquakes and contributes financially to the reconstruction of the Theological School of Halki.
Provision of financial support for the Olympic Games
The bank provides financial support for the preparation of the first modern Olympic games, hosted by the city of Athens.
NBG’s main building is reconstructed
The reconstruction of NBG’s main building is completed and gets its grandiose facade that is preserved to this day.
The bank expands throughout Greece
The bank’s network dominates the Greek banking system, as it includes 45 out of the 59 bank branches that operate in the country.
Thessaloniki is being rebuilt
The bank contributes in the rebuilding of Thessaloniki after the big fire of 1917.
The Greek refugees from Asia Minor are financially supported
The bank supports actively the rehabilitation of the refugees of Asia Minor catastrophe.
Beginning of international presence
The bank marks its presence abroad for the first time, through the operation of an agency located in New York.
The bank of Greece is established
The bank of Greece begins its operations, while NBG provides funds and personnel. At the same time, NBG waived its banknote issuing privileges.
The Historical Archive is founded
The NBG historical archive is founded.
The Cultural Foundation is established
In commemoration of its 125 years of operation, the bank establishes the NBG Cultural Foundation.  Since then, NBG incessantly continues to promote Science and Culture.
The first modern banking systems are introduced
The first credit card in Greece is issued and the bank introduces the institution of consumer credit. For the first time in Greece, NBG creates the modern real-time transaction processing system.
The first ATMs are introduced in the country
For the first time in Greece, the bank installs the modern automated teller machines (ATMs).
NBG’s stock is listed in New York’s exchange
NBG’s stock is now listed and traded in the New York Stock Exchange.
We expand to S.E. Europe
The bank acquires important banks in Bulgaria, Romania, FYROM, Serbia and Turkey, thus supporting Greek business activities in S.E. Europe.
Fire-stricken regions are supported
The bank provides financial support to 43 fire-stricken municipalities of Peloponnese and Evia, by disbursing €25.000.000, aiming to the restoration of said areas after the catastrophic fires that took place in August.
A new wing is donated to Evaggelismos Hospital
NBG granted €30.000.000 for the completion of the construction of a new operating room wing at the Evaggelismos Hospital.  This is an important upgrade to the provided health and hospitalization services.
The Angelos Sikelianos Museum and Olympia odos are inaugurated
Angelos Sikelianos’ family home is inaugurated as a pioneering museum and gifted to the Municipality of Lefkada. In the same year, the bank provides substantial financial contribution for the construction of Olympia Odos.
NBG continues to provide support and devotion for the development of Greek economy
The bank continues incessantly its ambitious transformation program, aiming at its continuous modernization, its constant contribution to the development of the economy and the improvement of its customer service experience.