Pantelis Maraveas
In March 2023 Pantelis Maraveas was assigned as an Assistant General Manager, Retail Segments, Bank Analytics & Lending Products at National Bank of Greece, being responsible for supervising the Units of Individual Banking, Business Banking & Key Accounts Segments, Development & Support of Retail Lending Products, Bancassurance Products, Retail Lending Approvals, Bank Analytics, CRM & Retail MIS, as well as Loyalty Programs Sectors.
He serves as a non-executive member in both Boards of Directors of NBG Factors & TIRESIAS, while in the latter one he is a member of the Audit Committee & in parallel, presides in the Commercial Development Committee in the same company.
He started working at National Bank of Greece in 2019, held the position of the Assistant General Manager, Retail Segments and subsequently he was designated as an Assistant General Manager, Retail Segments, Bank Analytics & Liability Products, while in the present he serves as an Assistant General Manager, Retail Segments, Bank Analytics & Lending Products.
Mr. Maraveas has significant working experience, with an over of 20-year track record in the banking sector, the majority of which has been in Retail Banking. Other positions held include: Retail Banking Director - National Bank of Greece in Serbia; Consumer, Mortgage and Business Lending Head (Vice President) - Citibank Greece; Head of Individual Banking, Director of Cards, Loans & Loyalty Programs, Director of CRM Ηοusehold Lending – Εurobank.
Mr. Maraveas holds a BSc in Business Administration from Athens University of Economics & Business and an MSc in Management from London School of Economics. Furthermore, he has carried through with part of his studies in Goteborg University and has also successfully completed the Executive Education Leadership Development Program from ALBA Graduate Business School.