Anne Marion-Bouchacourt
Mrs. Anne Marion-Bouchacourt was appointed as Independent Non-Executive Member of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Greece in April 2020.
During her long career, Mrs. Bouchacourt has served in various positions, gaining extensive expertise in the fields of Human Resources and Culture, ESG, Banking Transformation and M&A projects and having considerable experience in accounting, financial auditing, strategy and organization.
Mrs. Anne Marion-Bouchacourt possesses significant experience in the banking sector and has served in high-ranking positions in international financial organizations and firms.
She served, among others, as senior executive at Societe Generale Group for over 15 years, in particular, as Group Chief Country Officer for China (2012 – 2018), as Senior Executive Vice President, Corporate Human Resources (2006 – 2012), and she has also worked as an auditor (1981 – 1986) and as a consultant (1986 – 1999) with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), having been appointed Director in PwC’s Financial Services sector, while she had additionally been a Partner at Solving International (2002 – 2004) and at Gemini Consulting (1999 – 2002) leading large international strategic projects for large Financial Institutions including M&A operations.
She has served as Chair of Societe Generale Private Banking Switzerland and she also acted as Societe Generale Group Country Head for Switzerland and CEO of Societe Generale Zurich (SG Corporate and Investment banking arm), while she was also serving as Vice-President of the Association of Foreign Banks in Switzerland, as well as Member of the Board of the Swiss Bankers Association, and Member of the Board of Swiss Sustainable Finance.
Currently she serves as an Independent Non-Executive Member and Chair of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee at Ipsos as well as a Director at Banque Bonhôte & Cie SA. Additionally, she serves as President of ‘Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur de la France (Suisse)’, as well as a Member of the International Advisory Board of HEC Lausanne.
Mrs. Marion-Bouchacourt graduated from the École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris. She holds a post-graduate diploma in Corporate Finance from the Paris Dauphine University and is a Chartered Accountant.