The Strategy Committee was established by Board decision (meeting no. 1387/ 29.9.2009), while it was renamed to Strategy and Transformation Committee by Board Decision (meeting no. 1622/26.07.2018). The Committee supports the executive Board members in developing the Group’s strategic options, assists the Board in taking decisions on all issues related to NBG Group strategy and regularly reviews the implementation of the Group’s strategy by the Group’s management team. The Committee is composed of at least five members, of which at least three are independent non-executive Board members, in accordance with the definition of independence specified in the relevant framework, particularly Article 9 of Greek Law 4706/2020, and the Bank's Corporate Governance Code, and one member is the HFSF representative at the Board of Directors.

The Committee members (including its Chair and Vice-Chair) are appointed by the Board upon recommendation of the Corporate Governance and Nominations Committee. The Committee members shall be selected on the basis of their competence and experience.

In May 2023, the Committee Charter was revised.

Charter of the Strategy and Transformation Committee
