The Board Risk Committee ("BRC") was established by Board decision (meeting no. 1308/20.7.06) in accordance with the requirements of Bank of Greece Governor's Act No. 2577/9.3.2006. The Committee has two roles, namely it operates a) as the Board Risk Committee and b) as the Board Committee Responsible for Non-Performing Loans/Exposures (NPLs/NPEs) as prescribed by Art. 10 par. 8 of Greek Law 3864/2010, as in force.
The Committee is composed exclusively of non-executive Board members. Οne member is the HFSF representative at the Board of Directors. Committee members are, at least three in number, one third of which (excluding the HFSF representative and rounded to the nearest whole number) are independent non-executive members of the Board, in accordance with the definition of independence specified in the relevant framework, particularly Article 9 of Greek Law 4706/2020, and the Bank's Corporate Governance Code. The members (including its Chair and Vice-Chair) of the Committee are appointed by the Board of the Bank, following recommendation by the Board's Corporate Governance and Nominations Committee. All members should have previous experience in the field of financial services or commercial banking, while at least one member as an expert should have significant experience in risk and capital management, as well as knowledge of the local and international regulatory framework. The BRC convenes regularly at least on a monthly basis, as well as extraordinarily, whenever deemed necessary by its Chair.
In May 2023, the Committee Charter was revised.