The best way to manage your payroll

The tools available and why the right organization on the part of the company is important

Many parameters and conditions affect the relationship that develops between a business and its employees. But some factors outweigh others, such as the quality of working conditions or paying staff on time.

In an environment in which the legislative framework changes frequently, payroll management is a demanding process for your business. To avoid mistakes or omissions, it's important to have a complete and up-to-date action plan and the right tools to ensure your employees are paid correctly and on time.

Payroll system

Effective organization is again the key principle in this case. Make sure you always keep your plan up-to-date with all of the important deadlines related to your staff’s payroll. In recent years the development of technology has made available various software programs, which are automatically updated incorporating any changes, and remind the company of its obligations, saving it time and money while at the same time keeping its staff content. 

On the one hand, an effective payroll system automates an important part of the process, while on the other hand, through the organized submission of data and contributions to insurance funds and financial services, such a system steadily strengthens the business's image and credibility. 

The best way to manage your payroll

The support team

A technical issue in your payroll software can cause serious problems, especially if it occurs within the payment deadline period. That is why it’s very important, when entering into an agreement with a software supply company, to ensure that technical support is included for as many days and hours of the week as possible.

The right people and tools

Every company needs to be aware of any changes that occur in the tax and labour framework, but also the opportunities that appear in each business ecosystem. In this context, your accountant is the person you can rely on when you're uncertain about what to do, when you have a question and, in general, in every difficult moment or every opportunity to improve and grow your business.

NBG's specialized staff can guide you on products such as payroll accounts, and procedures that facilitate the flow of your business’s payroll, such as the ability to submit payroll orders using ETHNOfiles, a secure online data transfer service between your business's ERP system and Internet Banking. In addition, such solutions can be customized to meet the specific needs of your business. For example, you can create a dynamic list through Internet Banking for Businesses for the optimal execution of your payroll. 

An organized payroll system makes your life as a business owner easier, while at the same time proving to your staff that they are appreciated. It also reflects your business’s reliability in the best way possible and motivates your employees to remain loyal and dedicated.
