Under the program, the total available public expenditure / budget amounts to €10,000,000.00.
Each investment plan may have a subsidized budget ranging from €500,000 up to €12,000,000.
Funding applications with a submitted budget of less than €500,000 are non-eligible and cannot be submitted.
In the event of investment plans with a budget over the maximum limits as set out above, the excess amount will be considered as a 100% private participation for the implementation of the plan. In this case, although the excess cost is not subsidized, the entire investment project, including the excess cost, is subject to assessment and monitoring-control.
The maximum duration for completion of the investment project should not exceed thirty (30) months as of the date of issuance of the Decision on Approval of Results.
Eligible to participate are new and under establishment micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, as defined in Annex I of Regulation (EU) 651/2014, which will implement an investment plan related to at least one of the eligible activities (included in Annex XVII of the Call).
Businesses under establishment are those that will be incorporated after the electronic submission of the funding application.
New businesses are those that, on the date of issue of this call, have not completed a full business year, i.e. their commencement date is after 1/1/2023.
Complete, closed business years are fiscal years for which the appropriate tax forms (e.g. forms E3 & N) have been submitted to the tax authorities (AADE), and which each present a duration of 12 months.
Conditions for the participation of Beneficiaries (indicatively):
1. They must submit one and only funding application per TIN.
2. They must have been active or intend to be active in the Greek territory and carry out the investment exclusively in the Municipality of Megalopolis under the Territorial Just Transition Plan of Megalopolis.
3. On the date of issue of the call, they must not have one (1) complete closed financial year (newly established business). As at the date of electronic submission of the funding application, they must not have filed commencement of business operations with the competent Tax Office (business under establishment).
4. They must hold the status of Micro or Small or Medium-sized Business and operate in one of the legal forms provided for in the Call.
5. They must be registered in the Beneficial Ownership Register of Article 20 Law 4557/2018 (A' 139), as in force.
6. The proposed investment plan must relate to at least one or more of the eligible Business Activity Codes (KAD) included in Annex XVII of the Call.
7. The proposed investment plan must be an initial investment, as per Article 2.49 of Regulation (EU) No 651/2014. Note that a replacement investment in not considered to be initial.
8. They must undertake to create, until the certification of the completion of the investment, a minimum number of new work units (AWU), which will be additional to those in place in the last 12 months prior to the submission of the application and to maintain them for at least 3 years after the final disbursement of the investment.
9. The financial participation of the beneficiary of the aid must stand at a minimum of 25% of the total eligible costs through own funds or external financing and in a form which does not contain features of state support.
10. The subsidized budget of the investment plan must not be lower than €500,000.
11. They must be neither “an undertaking in difficulty” as per Article 2.18 (“Terms”) of Regulation (EU) 651/2014, neither an off-shore company.
12. The overall score of the funding application has to be equal to or higher than 65 points.
The overall participation conditions of beneficiaries are presented in detail in the Action guide and must be met in their entirety. Failure to meet at least one or more of such conditions is grounds for exclusion of the investment plan, constituting, therefore, a reason for non-submission and/or rejection of the funding application.
The program finances expenses for:
For regional aid expenses the percentage of state funding ranges from 60% to 70%, while for expenses outside regional aid the percentage of state funding ranges from 50% to 75%. In any case the percentages vary depending on the type of expenses and on the size of the business.
The private participation may be covered by own funds, bank loan, or a combination of both.
The funding application (investment proposal) must be submitted electronically by potential Beneficiaries, only through the Integrated State Aid Management Information System (ISAMIS), to the Managing Authority of the “Just Transition Development Program” (DA ESPA DAM), accompanied by all supporting documents of ANNEX I REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION FOR SUBMISSION / INCLUSION of the Call.
Loan applications should be submitted from 10/01/2025 to 18/03/2025 by 15:00 at the latest.
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