With Salary Value you can simplify your daily tasks by choosing the type of account you prefer, for a fixed monthly fee of just €2.
Specifically you can:
You can choose between a savings or current account.
In addition you get:
You can monitor the activity of your account.
Specifically, for savings accounts, you can update your passbook, free of charge, at any NBG branch or view the activity of your account via Internet Banking (monthly i-statement). For current accounts:
Enjoy security and flexibility in your transactions
Carry out your everyday transactions at any NBG branch or via i-bank:
The cover plan applies on condition that:
The insurance plans are designed by Ethniki Insurance and sold through National Bank of Greece S.A., Aiolou 86, 10559 Athens, Company Reg. No. 311481. Insurance plans are sold only by Bank staff who are certified insurance intermediaries. The Bank is registered with the Special Register of Athens Chamber of Tradesmen under Reg. No.1028 as an insurance agent. The Special Registry’s data are available through the online platform “Point of Single Contact (ESIP)” of Active Insurance Intermediaries, via which you can verify the registration with the Special Registry.
You can access liquidity to cover unexpected needs through an overdraft facility on your current account.
Specifically you can:
The insurance plans are designed by Ethniki Insurance and sold through National Bank of Greece S.A., Aiolou 86, 10559 Athens, Company Reg. No. 311481 Insurance plans are sold only by Bank staff who are certified insurance intermediaries. The Bank is registered with the Special Register of Athens Chamber of Tradesmen under Reg. No.1028 as an insurance agent. The Special Registry’s data are available through the online platform “Point of Single Contact (ESIP)” of Active Insurance Intermediaries, via which you can verify the registration with the Special Registry.
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