Existing Micro and Small Enterprises in Areas of Territorial Just Transition Plans of the Municipality of Megalopolis
Existing businesses are those that, on the date of electronic submission of the funding application, have at least two (2) complete closed business years (for which the appropriate tax forms have been submitted), i.e. they have started operations before 1 January 2022 (01-01-2022).
Terms and Conditions for the participation of Beneficiaries (indicatively):
1. They must submit one and only funding application per TIN.
2. They must be active in the Greek territory and carry out the investment exclusively in the geographical limits of the Municipality of Megalopoli in the Region of Peloponnese.
3. The proposed investment plan must relate to at least one of the eligible Business Activity Codes (KAD) (included in Annex II of the call) in which they should be active prior to the submission of the funding request.
4. They must undertake to increase employment during the implementation phase, which, if maintained for one year, will increase the Annual Work Units (AWU) by at least one (1) unit (compared to the employment of 2024).
5. They must present evidence of Available Funds in relation to the Investment Plan at a rate of at least 30% of the Total Budget.
6. The funding application must include costs related to the sub-activities marked as costs that contribute to the Protection of the Environment and Energy Saving, at a rate of a minimum of 30%.
7. They must not have completed or fully implemented the physical object of the investment, before submitting the funding application.
8. The subsidized budget of the investment plan must not be lower than €20,000.
9. They must undertake to retain the increase they will declare, which will form the basis of the evaluation of the application, at least for one year after completion of the investment.
10. The funding application must obtain a minimum overall score of 65 in the criteria mentioned in ANNEX IV CRITERIA FOR THE EVALUATION OF APPLICATIONS. Note that it is not permissible to submit a funding application to the ISAMIS system, if the aforementioned condition is not met.
11. They must hold the status of Micro or Small Business and operate in one of the legal forms provided for in the Call.
12. They must be registered in the Beneficial Ownership Register of Article 20 Law 4557/2018 (A' 139), as in force.
The overall participation conditions of beneficiaries are presented in detail in the Action guide and must be met in their entirety. Failure to meet at least one or more of such conditions is grounds for exclusion of the investment plan, constituting, therefore, a reason for non-submission and/or rejection of the application.