Insurance Plans

Find out more about the insurance plans available for your employees and business vehicles.

Life and vehicle insurance

Take a weight off your mind and get NBG’s insurance plans for your staff as well as your business vehicles, easily and quickly.
Business Accident Care – Group Insurance for Employees

Business Accident Care for Businesses

Insure your staff for any accident with the special group insurance plan for employees by Ethniki Insurance.

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Full Preventive Healthcare

Full Preventive Healthcare

Provide for the health insurance of your staff with special benefits, such as proactive health check-up, annual check-up and diagnostic tests.

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Vehicle Insurance

Business Vehicle Insurance

Insure your vehicles easily and reliably. Ιn addition, enjoy the flexibility our insurance plans offer at competitive prices.

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Your Business Banking RM is waiting for you

Your Business Banking RM will propose ideas and provide you with guidance on the options that best suit your needs. With their direct support and specialized knowledge, you can define your goals and set up the right plan to achieve them.