Payday Loan

Get instant cash, interest-free every month to meet your needs until your next payroll/pension arrives!

Get instant cash just when you need it

Now, through Internet Banking, you can immediately get the cash you need to cover your current needs, until you receive your next salary or pension, interest-free and without additional documentation.

Why Payday Loan?

Low cost

One-off charge of €8.00 for every month if the credit line is used

Favourable terms

Zero interest rate & the option to use the cash advance every month.

Instant cash in your account

Up to 40% of your net monthly salary, with a maximum amount of €800.

Payday Loan in just a few steps

User login
Sign in to NBG Internet Banking and on the homepage click on the information banner to get Payday Loan.
Loan features
Then select the credit line amount.
Confirm details and accept terms
Next, confirm your personal details, your contact e-mail and telephone number or add a new e-mail or telephone number and, then, read and accept the relevant contractual forms and terms.
Enter OTP
Confirm the application details and enter the OTP to complete the process.
Complete the process
Last, when the process has been completed you can immediately use the Payday Loan credit line, provided that the payroll/ pension account has a zero balance.

Have any questions?

If you are a selected customer for the new Payday Loan credit line, you can get it easily and quickly by activating it through the Internet Banking app.
The credit line is available for use as of its acquisition every month, as long as your payroll/pension account has a zero balance and the conditions applying to its acquisition are met.
The credit line amount is repaid in part or in total automatically by using any amount credited to your salary/pension account.
You can get it free of charge. The interest rate is 0% and you're only charged €8.00 for using the limit (monthly if used), which is added to the debit balance.
If the amount due is not repaid by the last day of the month following the month during which the limit was used, the debt is subject to default interest rate and the loan can not be used until its repayment.

Payday loan

Our customer service team is here for you

Our highly trained team is waiting to answer any questions you may have, in person or by phone.  