Tiresias: Protection and transparency in financial transactions

Learn all you need to know about the only Credit Bureau in Greece, which provides reliable financial behavior information to banks, financial institutions and businesses, for the effective management of credit risk and the support of responsible lending. Tiresias operates aiming at boosting transparency and protecting credit transactions. 

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Tiresias S.A. is a private company, with Greek banks as shareholders. As the only Credit Bureau in Greece, a member of the ACCIS European Credit Bureau Organization, it provides reliable information for the assessment of credit risks, both to banks and businesses. Through 30 years of expertise in the collection and management of credit information and the development of credit risk assessment and credit scoring systems, Tiresias’ purpose is to protect transactions and support the institution of credit. Respecting the rights of citizens and businesses, Tiresias actively supports the development of the Greek economy and the creation of a healthy economic environment for all. 
Tiresias S.A. was founded in 1997 by almost all the Banks operating in the country then, which, applying the international practices of the Credit Bureaus, entrusted it with the development and management of the financial behavior data registry. 

In the course of time, Tiresias upgraded its infrastructure and its information system and enriched the sources and type of its data, always applying the legislation on the processing of personal data and the decisions of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority. Since 2014, it has been also offering credit risk management services to businesses, through the TSEK business platform. 

Today, Tiresias provides reliable information for the assessment of credit risks, both to banks and to other financial institutions, as well as to businesses. It is the only Credit Bureau in Greece and a member of the European Credit Bureau Organization ACCIS (, which has more than 40 members

In the international literature, a Credit Bureau or Credit Reference Agency is defined as a legal entity, which processes a creditor's customer information in order to support creditors in the process of evaluating the creditworthiness of their customers. The World Bank defines as a condition for the operation of a Credit Bureau the processing of bank data.

Historically, the first Credit Bureaus appeared in the United States of America after the financial crisis of 1837, while in Europe they appeared a little later. The main purpose of Credit Bureaus was the exchange of information between creditors about the creditworthiness of customers, who received products or services on credit. Over time, the exchange of information through Credit Bureaus covered many sectors of the economy, was computerized and automated. Today, Credit Bureaus operate in most countries worldwide.

In all EU member countries, which have such mechanisms, it has been proved that the systems for exchanging data on the credit behavior of borrowers have contributed substantially to the development and protection of the institution of bank credit, to the reduction of credit risk, the consolidation of financial transactions and the smooth functioning of the financial market.

The function of a Credit Bureau in an economy solves the important problem of information asymmetry between the creditor and the borrower since, as a general rule, the borrower knows his/her financial profile better than the creditor, to whom he/she turns for lending.

Through a Credit Bureau, the creditor obtains a comprehensive credit picture of the creditworthiness of the borrower and can proceed with loans to borrowers, when they estimate that the borrowers have the ability to repay these loans. Thus, the creditor, on the one hand, reduces the credit risk that they manage in their loan portfolio and, on the other hand, they protect the borrower from a loan that he/she will not be able to pay.

Therefore, at the macroeconomic level, over-leveraging of the private sector is avoided.

Generally, Credit Bureaus, as Data Exchange Systems, have been proved to play a key role in the development of the infrastructure of the financial system and, consequently, the economy of a country, and that is why they are one of the three main pillars of an efficient economic system, contributing to the financial stability of a country.
It is noted that the information in the Registries of a Credit Bureau are of an auxiliary nature for the creditor and do not oblige them to carry out or not a transaction. They help them though better document any decision they take.

However, Credit Bureaus do not help creditors only. Through the knowledge they provide to borrowers about their financial picture and creditworthiness, they help them borrow responsibly. That is, to borrow, based on their real obligations, in order to be able to repay them consistently and, by extension, to maintain a healthy financial profile, avoiding possible future problems.


Tiresias’ goal is to provide added - value credit information services that:

  • Unlock the power of information for the benefit of individuals, businesses and the financial system in general 
  • Facilitate responsible bank lending
  • Contribute to the growth of the economy by boosting bank credit and reducing bad debts
  • Support businesses in making decisions that will help them grow
  • Contribute to the protection of individuals, businesses and financial organizations from fraud and financial crime
  • Strengthen sustainable entrepreneurship and contribute to the smooth functioning of the market

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