You can cover your needs and earn more privileges every day with only €2 per month
Specifically, you can:
Pay unlimited payments of bills, free of charge via standing order and via Internet/Mobile Banking by debiting the account *
* For individuals, free-of-charge payments to the State, insurance funds, local authorities and other general government bodies, electricity, gas, water, telecommunications and insurance companies.
Specifically, you get:
Specifically, you can:
You can pay up to 3 utility bills/obligations per month to all the energy, water and telephone companies through a standing order, as well as Internet/Mobile banking.
Moreover, you can perform your daily transactions at NBG’s branches or via i-bank:
Specifically, you get:
There are some requirements in order to receive the above benefits:
The information above is purely informative and does not replace the pre-contractual information provided under current legislation or the insurance contract and its general and specific terms. If you need more information on the full pre-contractual and contractual data and IPID, click here.
The insurance plans have been set up by Ethniki General Insurance and are distributed by the branch network of National Bank of Greece SA, 86 Aiolou Street, 10559 Athens, Company Reg. No.: 311481. The distribution of the insurance plans is only provided by qualified NBG staff certified to provide insurance intermediation services. The Bank is registered with the Special Register of Athens Chamber of Tradesmen under Reg. No. 1028 as an insurance agent. The Special Register data are published on the electronic platform "Single Information Point for Active Insurance Intermediaries” where you can verify the registration at the Special Register. Click here link for the Insurance Intermediary leaflet.
The insurance plans have been set up by Ethniki General Insurance and are distributed by the branch network of National Bank of Greece SA, 86 Aiolou Street, 10559 Athens, Company Reg. No.: 311481. The distribution of the insurance plans is only provided by qualified NBG staff certified to provide insurance intermediation services. The Bank is registered with the Special Register of Athens Chamber of Tradesmen under Reg. No. 1028 as an insurance agent. The Special Register data are published on the electronic platform "Single Information Point for Active Insurance Intermediaries", where you can verify the registration at the Special Register.
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