Eating Healthy on a tight budget

Discover how to eat healthy without spending a lot of money. 
Ideas for healthy budget meals

“We are what we eat. And what we eat determines our thoughts, our life, our present, our future and our destiny”. Nobel award winner Alexis Carrel couldn't have described better the reason why people should follow a well-balanced and healthy diet. The benefits are so many that the counterargument of the high cost of such food simply doesn't add up, while there are definitely ways to manage it. 

According to a recent survey by Focus Bari, Greeks seem to be well aware of what a beneficial, healthy diet entails. They are conscious of the ingredients in the food they're buying, avoid genetically modified food, are careful when choosing frozen products, and are cautious when it comes to food supplements. However, only one third of them express the need to follow a diet that has less meat and/or dairy products in it, while a significant percentage – especially among young people – admit to often consuming unhealthy, junk food.
The trend toward healthier eating choices has met resistance by those who believe that in order to eat a healthy diet you have to make sacrifices, especially money-wise! The view that healthy meals are expensive is becoming more and more widespread among consumers, but is also supported by several surveys looking into the latest prices of “Mediterranean“ food products. Yet there are ways you can adopt a healthier diet, without spending a lot of money. 

First comes the planning

Do it like a nutritionist and map out a 7-day meal plan. This way, you ‘ll have a full picture of the products you ‘ll need to buy, as well as of the products you already have and can use, thus significantly minimizing the risk of throwing away food that is about to expire. 

Replace expensive foods

Regularly consuming certain foods, such as fresh fish, can be very expensive. However, you can easily replace it with other types of food, which however are of equal nutritional value, such as legumes. In any case, your efforts should focus on not choosing processed foods or foods that are not seasonal.

Eating Healthy on a tight budget

Look for offers

Some people shop on the basis of the offers that are available, while others first set up their 7-day meal plan and then shop while looking for offers relative to the foods they want. In whichever category you fall under, you'll definitely be a winner. Offers can significantly help your monthly budget, but you should try to resist them if they don’t truly support your meal plan.

Storing food

Your strongest ally in your effort to spend less on food is effective storage. Because by preparing a larger quantity of food than what you need for one specific meal you'll be able to use it in the near future in the same or some other form. This way you’ll always have ready to eat meals in the fridge and avoid ordering in.

On-line recipes

Online you can find many healthy recipes that need only a few ingredients. Searching online will help you enrich your diet plan, so that you don't get bored, but also help you cook with whatever ingredients you have handy in your fridge.  

Proper organisation, market research and determination will help you to stop consuming fast food and improve your cooking skills, while ensuring better health. 


Sources: Focus Bari, Οι Έλληνες, τα Τρόφιμα & η Διατροφή  

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