business banking forum

Business Banking Forum 2023


For us at NBG, every business is unique.


At NBG, we appreciate the value and potential of Small and Medium Enterprises. That's why we choose to find solutions to strengthen their competitiveness and extroversion. 


In the context of this ongoing support, at the Melas Building Atrium, we organized the NBG Business Banking Forum, in the presence of many important speakers and bank executives, where developments concerning the SME market were discussed and a relevant study was presented by the Economic Analysis Department, along with NBG's integrated Business Banking framework, which prioritizes the growth of healthy entrepreneurship.

The conference was opened by NBG's CEO, Mr Pavlos Mylonas, who emphasized the progress made by SMEs in recent years and the contribution of technology to their growth and extroversion, while underlining the extensive support NBG has provided to small and medium-sized enterprises, offering the best digital banking services in Greece and among the best in Europe.


Regarding the evolution of SMEs, Ms Christina Theofilidi, General Manager of Retail Banking, stressed that the provision of new financing to SMEs is a strategic priority for NBG, which over the last three years has granted €1.3 billion in new financing, boosting its market share of new business financing from 26% in 2022 to 32% so far in 2023. There then followed a detailed presentation of the Business Banking Program, the importance of its role, and how it is implemented for the benefit of businesses. 


The presentation of the latest economic study on SMEs in Greece, as well as discussion panels on the growth outlook and the program for financing this growth, were key highlights of the event. 


More than 150 entrepreneurs, NBG customers and institutions and organizations related to the development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship participated in the Forum.

At NBG, we understand your needs and create the right environment for you to grow your business, offering you cutting-edge products and services, digital solutions, business ecosystems and customer-focused service.


We’re by your side every step of the way. 

NBG – raising business to another level.


