In an environment that's constantly changing, both in terms of the economic reality in which we live, as well as in terms of needs, many people either hold more than one job or undertake multiple projects at the same time in order to boost their income or climb the career ladder. In fact, according to a recent survey by PwC, entitled “Hopes and Fears”, 21% of the participants stated that they have more than one job, 24% struggle to make ends meet at the end of the month, and another 24% are unable to pay their bills most of the time.
Nowadays, parallel employment has become a reality that holds significant challenges, as well as opportunities. The most significant challenge is the worker's sphere of knowledge and level of expertise, as well as the amount of time that they have at their disposal. This is because no matter how qualified you may be, and capable of undertaking multiple tasks in theory, if your time is limited then it's going to be difficult to get everything done equally well. The success rate in these cases, however, plays a very important role, since the higher it is, the more favourably things will turn out.
The second challenge concerns the quality of the second job or projects that are assigned to you. If by undertaking the said projects, you have the opportunity to highlight your abilities, attaining – even at a later time – something better in terms of rank or salary, then it may be worth the sacrifice. And therein lies the opportunity.
So how can one thrive economically in a parallel work regime? Here are some smart things you can do.
Planning, planning, planning!
No goal is unattainable when there is effective planning. For example, in the case of a second job, all you have to do is focus your search for an extra source of income on the hours left over from your main occupation.
“Calculate” the financial or other benefits
In other words, calculate the gain you get from one extra job or a number of projects. You should “weigh” all the factors so as to effectively focus your time and efforts, then re-assess your position or even pursue higher financial reward.
Ask for help
It's never too late to ask your family or close friends to help you out with everyday chores. You should let them know in a timely and structured manner, so that they can help and support you in the best way possible.
Failure gives you the chance to regroup
Not everything is for everybody. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be for you to regroup. After all, it's important to recognize when a situation is no longer sustainable and is wearing us out, in order to move forward...
A second job or a job position with a lot of responsibilities is no easy matter. However, in some cases it's not a matter of choice, since the workers either need the extra income or they just cannot say no to the additional duties assigned to them and the possibility of promotion. By having a clear picture of your goals and making a plan, you can achieve much, while patiently planning the moves you need to make.