Make lists
Make a list of everything you will need for your wedding, from the wedding dress and groom’s suit to the church, photographer, DJ, reception venue, invitations and so on, plus anything else you would like to have for this special occasion. Create a detailed list of the respective costs, as well as new ideas that may suddenly arise. In addition, talk to relatives, friends and acquaintances who have been through the procedure, as their experience can prove tremendously helpful for you!
Prepare an initial budget
The very first decision to be made – a fundamental one – concerns the number of people you wish to invite, along with choosing a reception venue and noting the basic details of the reception plan and menu. It is very important to try and prepare a detailed initial budget before making final decisions on other details.

Savings plan
Considerable time usually elapses from the day you decide to get married to the actual wedding date. This in-between period can be utilised for saving or topping up the money required to cover the wedding’s cost. Try to calculate how much money you will need to deposit into your savings account every month to reach your goal.
Market research
Market research is crucial. Make calls, get quotes and decide on a solution that is closest to the money you have chosen to spend as well as your personal style. Devoting considerable time to market research is strongly advised.
Seek ways to boost your income
You could try to sell some old furniture or unwanted items through any of the numerous online platforms available nowadays. Besides generating some income, the new trend of parting ways with unwanted belongings from the past, when life changes call for such action, also gives old objects a “second life”.
Shop wisely
Various items, often unrelated, usually need to be bought prior to and following weddings. Opt to use your bank card at shops participating in the go4more program and earn, in this way, go4more points, discounts and special offers. These benefits are bound to pleasantly surprise and prove useful at a time of increased needs in your life, offering valuable support for purchases ahead.
Do it yourself
If you’re dexterous with your hands, you could opt for a DIY approach and prepare some of your wedding’s requirements yourself, including wedding favors and invitations, which will greatly reduce their cost. Also ask your friends for some help, which they will be happy to provide, and organize a constructive and enjoyable DIY “party”.
Off season
The date, day and season you choose to stage your wedding can have a significant bearing on its overall cost, since prices can differ considerably.
Find out about offers and discounts you can benefit from. Discuss your wedding plan with sector professionals and request quotes based on your budget. Removing services which you may ultimately consider unnecessary will help establish a more affordable package.
There are many ideas for reducing wedding costs. You know your needs better and it is important to move based on them in the first budget of your formal life together!