Fun activities for quality time with your grandchildren

Discover fun activities to spend quality time with your grandchildren.

"My child's child is twice my child” is the Greek saying that best describes the sacred bond that develops between grandparents and their grandchildren, which often grows stronger even than the bond they have with their own children. It’s no wonder it was coined in Greece, where traditional family bonds continue to be strong and highly valued.

And while many working couples choose to leave their children with the grandparents for financial reasons or because they don’t want to entrust their care to strangers, others choose to do so because they realize the benefits that contact with the grandparents has on their children's overall wellbeing. Quality time between grandparents and grandchildren is extremely important and beneficial for all involved. There are, however, some things to keep in mind:


Age is not just a number

Risking your health in order to say yes to every single thing your grandkids ask you to do is not a good idea. Chasing each other around the house may sound fun, but with your stamina being very different to that of young children's, you may have to come up with more low-key game ideas to keep them happy.  

Screen time should be limited

A recent Rutgers University study published in the Journal of Children and Media reveals that modern grandparents allow their grandchildren to spend about half of the time they are in their care playing games on a phone, tablet, computer or TV. It’s important to set limits on the amount of time children spend in front of a screen. And if you don't like rules, you can discover other ways to drag them away from it.

Fun activities for quality time with your grandchildren

Children grow up very fast

Though to you they’ll always be your sweet little babies, children's needs evolve rapidly as they grow up. So you’ll need to look for age appropriate ways to keep them occupied, otherwise they’ll quickly lose interest and go looking for the nearest screen. 

Here are some fun activities that allow you to spend quality time with your grandchildren:

Go to the beach

The sea is always a good idea, as it's fun for both younger and older kids. Building castles in the sand, playing in the water or exploring the shallows for shells or small fish will allow you to have a good time, regardless of your physical condition. 


When was the last time you walked into the kitchen with your grandchildren to try and make something without caring about the mess or about whether something edible will come of it? 

Try this and help your grandchildren unpack their creativity!


Explore the garden or the park

Kids love to get muddied with earth, and that's something you could take advantage of the next time your grandchildren come over. If you don't have a garden, you can go for a walk in a nearby park and give them a chance to get closer to nature. 

These are just a few ideas. There are many more you can apply, depending on what your grandchildren like. You don’t have to put a lot of effort into it, all you need is to be open to new experiences, to leave behind your fixed routine and to enjoy the fun of spending quality time with your precious grandchildren.


 Sources:  Journal of children and media 


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