How can children use technology in a healthy way?

Discover how to encourage children to use technology in a healthy way. 

Many still remember their first experiences in the world of technology, when the distinctive sound of the dial-up connection foreshadowed connecting to the Internet. Technology has since developed into an integral part of our lives. Younger people have been born and raised in it and have learned to use the mobile phone as a phone, wallet, music player, portable TV, camera, map and much more.

Technology continues to evolve rapidly, constantly creating new opportunities and solutions in society, but not without serious problems emerging with these ground-breaking changes. Its improper use can even be dangerous for younger and older people alike. Research shows that children aged 8-12 spend an average of 4-6 hours a day in front of screens, while teenagers spend up to 9 hours a day. Outdoor play has largely been replaced by the use of devices. 

Excessive use of technology affects children's cognitive and social skills, as well as their health. How can we limit the use of technology in their daily lives so that they benefit from its positive impact and are protected from the dangers it poses?


Benefits of using technology in a healthy way

Technology offers many benefits to children and adolescents, as it facilitates the acquisition of knowledge, education, skills development, and entertainment. Within seconds, search engines and artificial intelligence can answer any query, replacing traditional encyclopedias and facilitating access to all kinds of information.

On the internet one can find educational apps, such as ABCmouse and IXL, that offer interactive lessons and activities with personalized guidance on a wide range of topics, from Mathematics to Language. There are also games that combine entertainment with learning, helping children learn while having fun, such as Scratch, a free educational platform where children 8 years old or older can learn programming while creating their own stories, games and animations. Similarly, Prodigy helps children practice Mathematics and English through interactive games.

Virtual Reality (VR) allows children to explore virtual environments, bringing historical events to life before their eyes, or helping them visit renowned museums or practice scientific experiments. Utilizing multimedia such as video, sound and graphics helps children understand complex concepts more easily. 

Technology offers new ways of learning that were not previously available. Embracing technology at an early age prepares children for a future where digital skills will be absolutely necessary.


But what are the hidden dangers?

While technology opens up new worlds for all, excessive or uncontrolled use of it can have a negative impact on children's physical and mental health, as well as their safety.

Prolonged screen use can cause vision problems such as nearsightedness, fatigue, and dry eyes. A study conducted by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia found that about 57% of students who spend a long time in front of screens experience eye fatigue and other symptoms, such as difficulty focusing at a distance, headaches and blurred vision.

Also, addiction to technology is a frequent cause of stress. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, 37% of teens spend about 5 hours a day on social networks, while 41% of this group reported that overall their mental health was not good. The study also showed that teens who spend more than 3 hours a day on social networks experience higher rates of anxiety and loneliness. Isolation from the social environment also contributes to deteriorating academic performance.

Another important finding is that children who spend more than two hours a day in front of screens have an increased predisposition to obesity, according to research from the Mayo Clinic. Prolonged use of electronic devices and screens replaces the amount of time children could spend on physical activity and encourages increased consumption of high-calorie foods.


How can children use technology in a healthy way?

Surfing the web safely

Children –especially younger ones– are exposed to many dangers when online, such as cyberbullying, access to inappropriate content, and online exploitation. A European Commission study showed that 49% of students aged 10 to 18 in Europe have experienced some form of cyberbullying. Children who have had this type of experience report high levels of anxiety, depression, and usually have self-esteem issues.

Many children also come into contact with content that is inappropriate for their age, often containing violent or pornographic material. In a survey conducted by the Greek Safer Internet Center among 14,000 students aged 10-17, 61% of participants have come across inappropriate or violent content online. Among these children, 65% reported seeing it by chance, 21% searched for it, and 13% received the content from a friend or acquaintance. 

Another danger is online exploitation, which includes sexual harassment and even human trafficking. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) reports that cases of child sexual exploitation have increased dramatically in recent years, with NCMEC in 2020 receiving more than 21.7 million reports of online sexual exploitation.


Tips on how to protect children

How can you protect your children without excluding them from the use and benefits of technology?

1. Talk with them and inform them
It's very important to communicate openly with children. Adults need to understand their needs and concerns regarding new technologies, and engaging in activities that involve technology with them can help identify their preferences.
By playing with them and exploring the sites they visit or the apps they use, you can better understand their interests, guide them and inform them about the safe use of technology, the dangers it poses, and how to best protect themselves.

2. Set limits
You can create a safer online environment for children by installing parental controls software. You may also use filters that block inappropriate content and tools to monitor children's online activity.

Large software companies have special settings that, when enabled, restrict children's access to age-appropriate material, such as Microsoft Family Safety, Google Family Link for Android devices, and Apple Screen Time for Apple devices. It’s also possible to restrict children's access to inappropriate material on social networks and YouTube.
Establishing rules on screen time is equally important. You should set a schedule with specific days and times for using mobiles, tablets or computers. It is advisable to completely ban their use at mealtime or in the bedroom, while at the same time encouraging kids to find other activities that keep their mind and body alert.


Lead by example

Don’t forget to set an example for your children by finding interests and making memories to share as a family off-screen, as children are most likely to do what you do, not what you say.

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