The new age of digital governance and the

 Exploit all the available capabilities for online services
Bureaucracy and delays have no place in the new digital age. The new web portal whose launch was expedited due to the pandemic has brought state services to your computer, making life easier. You can search for the service, document or information you need and be served immediately, with just a few clicks on your keyboard. 

Moreover via the eGov-KYC service anyone can update or change the personal information they have declared to their bank by accessing it directly without the need to upload documents started its operation in recent years and is constantly evolving. Through this portal, you can now access 19 Ministries, 9 Independent Authorities and 70 Bodies and Organizations. You can also digitally submit statutory declarations and authorization forms from the comfort of your own home, your office or cell phone. The relationship between citizens and the State has now changed! 

Basis features of the platform

How to access the service

You can enter the platform by simply using your personal TAXISNET codes.

Personal Organization is a new service that is coming to make life even easier, and also to organize all the paperwork that usually confuses and stresses you out.  
What is a digital mailbox? This is a digital personal folder with the documents that you issue online through and the documents that are issued after the electronic application you have made to a public administration body through also provides you with the opportunity to electronically send documents to someone else's mailbox, whether a private individual or public body. 

The new digital governance and the

Documents you can collect at

COVID-19 coronavirus vaccination certificates, statutory declarations, municipal registration certificates, authorisations, deeds, documents issued upon request by the to the Citizens' Service Center (KEP), criminal record copies, free parking permits for electric vehicles, statement of loss of identity card. 

All of the above are an important example of how technology can change our daily lives for the better. Modern digital data contributes to reducing inconvenience, offers prompt services and organization. has entered dynamically into everyone's lives offering immediate access to important data, and at the same time facilitates banking transactions through the eGov-KYC service and the updating of your information without the need to post documents. 

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